These Terms and Conditions govern the use of the site MARISCLINIC.COM and the products available on the site. By viewing, accessing, or using this website and any associated websites mentioned herewith, the applications and related products, including online ordering and other related services provided by MARISCLINIC.COM, you understand and agree to these Terms and Conditions. You agree to accept this as a legally binding contract, equivalent to a signed and documented contract that binds you legally.

MARISCLINIC.COM is owned and managed by MARIS CLINICS and domiciled within the United Arab Emirates (UAE); therefore, subject to the applicable and related UAE Laws. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates.

MARISCLINIC.COM may at any time, at its discretion, and from time-to-time change, amend, remove, or otherwise modify all or part of these Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion. MARISCLINIC.COM recommends that you carefully read and understand the Terms and Conditions before visiting, browsing, or using the services in case you believe they interfere with your rights. If you do not agree or find any term contradictory to you, MARISCLINIC.COM recommends that you not use this website.

MARISCLINIC.COM is hereby referred to as ‘We,’ ‘Our,’ and ‘Us.’


MARISCLINIC.COM’s Privacy Policy is a separate document posted and accessible on our website. Kindly refer to the Privacy Policy for details regarding the use, disclosure, gathering of, uses, and management of client data.


Terms and conditions commonly apply to all users who access this website. The site may include content, images, graphics, videos, and third-party links or links to third-party websites. MARISCLINIC.COM does not regularly review the information provided by third-party links or websites. We do not endorse the materials and any information pertaining to the third-party sites. By using our website, you agree that we are not liable for any form of liability arising from accessing the third-party website. You acknowledge and agree that any usage of a third-party website is done at your own knowledge and risk.

We offer conditional permission to all our users to access the website in agreement with the Terms and Conditions.

You shall have no right to transfer, rent, assign, exploit, resell and/or involve in any other activity related to commercial trading or exploitation of any products or services offered by us to any third party.

You are granted permission to use this website for the following:

  • Your personal use and/or commercial use.
  • You are not permitted to download or copy any material or images from the MARISCLINIC.COM website for personal or commercial use.
  • You agree not to launch, use, or be a cause to establish or operate any computerised, automated, hybrid system or program that connects with our website or online ordering site. This includes limitations, distribution of vouchers, codes, spiders, publishing data, offline readers, pop-up windows, and/or all other elements that may display anything similar on our site.
  • You agree not to collect any personally identifiable information from our site.
  • You shall not solicit any of our site's users for any reason.

Minors under 18 are prohibited from registering as a User of this website and are not permitted to transact using this website.


Our site has many valuable intellectual properties, including but not limited to logos, trademarks, and copyrights used by us and our subsidiaries and affiliates. These intellectual properties create a distinctive outlook regarding the quality of products, services, or otherwise offered by us. These logos or trademarks or any property rights related to our site are secured from reproduction in any form under national and international legal policies. All information you access at our site is the exclusive property of MARISCLINIC.COM. We do not endorse any views on third-party links or hyperlinks you access from our site. Neither explicitly nor implicitly have we associated with any claims or warranties that may arise in relation to third-party claims.


By accessing our site, you agree and consent to receive communications in any form, such as SMS, email, or other electronic modes of communication or postal communications. You shall agree that all the agreements, notices, communications, and otherwise gained from any form of communications we provide you through email or otherwise are entitled to a transaction between you, the customer, and us.


You have the sole responsibility of maintaining the confidentiality of your account and/or related information, your password, and any other kind of information to restrict third-party access through your account. You shall also accept that you will be held liable for all the transactions and activities using your registered account.

MARISCLINIC.COM will not be held liable for any transactions arising from fraudulent use of your account.

We strive to ensure that your data is always kept secure. We have the right to refuse any service, terminate your account, cancel orders, or remove and/or edit content at our discretion.


All products listed on the website, including prices, descriptions, and terms, are subject to change. We hold the sole right to change, remove, modify, suspend, or discontinue the sale of any product at any time, with or without notice, at our discretion. We are not liable to you or any third-party site for any changes, amendments, dismissals, or discontinuation of any product listed on our site.